Call for Papers — Association for the Sociology of Religion 2012 annual meeting

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

2012 Annual Meeting
August 17-18 – Denver, Colorado

Religion and Social Change

Religion is both an agent and a product of social change. Closely linked
to many historical and global transformations, religion has served as
both an opiate and an amphetamine for change. Indeed, most religious
traditions are predicated upon the idea that conversion transforms the
individual and widespread acceptance of religious principles results in
a utopian society. Some religions attempt to produce or prevent change
by influencing the wider discourse surrounding key moral and political
debates; others promote programs at the local level; still others,
viewing society as beyond repair, attempt to produce their own utopian
sub-societies. Yet, religion is also the product of social changes that
mold beliefs and transform religious institutions. We want to explore
this complex relationship between religion and social change. To what
extent do the characteristics of religious groups and their members
determine the manner in which they attempt to enact change? Do religious
groups have special advantages or disadvantages in their ability to
foster social change as compared to secular groups and institutions? How
do larger social changes influence the religious beliefs and actions of
individuals and institutions?
Papers and discussion sessions on all themes within the sociology of
religion are welcome, but especially those related to the meeting theme,
including, but not limited to, the following:

– religion and politics
– religion and gender
– religion and racial harmony
– religion and science
– religion and volunteering
– religion and morality issues
– religion and extremist behavior
– utopian and millenarian movements in religion
– religious charitable organizations
– religious conversion, religious experiences and personal transformation
– theoretical perspectives regarding religion and engagement with society


-Session Proposals are due by 31 March 2012
-Paper Proposals and Abstracts are due by 30 April 2012

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: (1) Email your proposal to
as a Word attachment. Place the title of your proposal first, then
names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors, then your
abstract/proposal, all on one sheet of paper. (2) Limit paper abstracts
to a maximum of 100 words. (3) 2012 membership in ASR is required for
program consideration (one author, for multi-authored papers). Do not
submit proposals prior to 1 January. PROGRAM CHAIR: Christopher Bader,
Chapman University.


ASR makes available a limited number of travel assistance grants for
members who are presenting papers at its annual meeting. These fall into
two categories: student grants and grants for foreign scholars living
outside of North America. Grants for students range up to $500.
Foreign scholar grants are subdivided between those living or working in
ISA Category A or B countries and those living or working in ISA
Category C countries. (The ISA geopolitical category scheme may be
accessed at Note that ISA
membership is NOT required for consideration. ASR simply uses its scheme
as the most universally recognized basis within the profession.) Grants
for those in Category A and B countries are limited to $500. Grants for
those in Category C countries may range up to $1,000. In no case will
anyone receive a grant in excess of $1,000.

Applications should take the form of a letter submitted to the program
chair along with the applicant’s program paper proposal. Applicants
should state both the amount of their request to ASR and also indicate
how they will fund that portion of their trip not funded by the
Gallagher Grant. It is acceptable to state that the remainder will come
from the applicant’s personal funds. Applicants should understand that
these grants are competitive and that the total amount of grants awarded
seldom exceeds $5,000.

One-quarter of the grants may made by the Program Chair on his or her
own initiative. The remainder of domestic Student awards are also made
by the Program Chair based on applications. International award
applications are vetted by the International Committee, to whom they are
forwarded by the Program Chair. For 2012, the International Committee is
composed of Prema Kurien (chair), Giuseppe Giordan, and Afe Adogame.

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