We are working to make the CSSR/SCÉR more accessible. We invite your inquiries for this F.A.Q. section.

When are CSSR/SCÉR fees due each year?

The fees are due annually based on the sign up date.

We encourage members to renew membership before each calendar year (December), but early in the year (i.e. January or February) is acceptable.

How do I create and edit an online member profile?

Click on this link to create your own profile: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=user/register
To edit your online member profile, log in to the website, then click on the “My Account” menu item on the left. Once you are on your own profile page, click on the “edit” tab at the top of your page. Once you are done editing, click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.

How do I renew my membership?
Do I have to be a current paid CSSR/SCÉR member to create an online CSSR/SCÉR member profile?

No. We now have a new Friends of the CSSR/SCÉR initiative. Read more about it here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/384 | http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/385

What is the Friends of the CSSR/SCÉR initiative?
How do I get myself on the CSSR/SCÉR mailing list?

By creating a profile on our website. We used to contact people through an email listserv but it was difficult to maintain with our growing numbers. Now we use the website database itself to email all of our current members (whether paid members or “friends”). That’s why it’s important to post your correct email address on your own online profile page.

How do I know that I am a paid member this year?

If you have a profile created on the website, then you can access your own profile page when you log in. At the very bottom of your own page is a window indicating your status for the year (i.e. “paid member” or “Friend of the CSSR”). If you are a “Friend” then you are not a paid member for this year.

What do I do if I am not receiving the journal Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses?

Please contact our Membership Secretary. Contact information can be found in our list of current Executive members on the website (under the “About” menu).


Here are the details about how to digitally access the journal in 2021 for those of you who pay for the journal as members of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR).

If you were paid members of the CSSR for the calendar year 2020, then you should already have digital access to the complete journal via the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion’s new website: https://ccsr.ca/en/

À partir de ce site web, cliquez sur le bouton vert « CONNEXION ».

Ensuite, entrez votre adresse courriel (la même que vous utilisez avec la SCÉR).

Lors de votre première visite, vous devez également créer votre mot de passe en cliquant sur « Réinitialiser le mot de passe ».

If you were not a paid member of the CSSR for 2020, but are for 2021 and pay before the 15th of April 2021, then you will have digital access to Studies in Religion as of May 15th, 2021 for one complete year (until May 2022). As of the 15th of May 2021, you can access the journal the same way as described above.

Those CSSR members who pay for 2021 membership after the 15th of April 2021 will not have access to Studies in Religion for the calendar year. Consequently, if you are paying for CSSR associate or student membership after the 15th of April 2021, do not select the ‘receive Studies in Religion through the CSSR’ payment options.

If you have any questions, please e-mail the CSSR membership secretary.

What is “Congress”?
What does the CSSR/SCÉR have to do with Congress?
Do I have to be a member to present at Congress?

Yes. Everyone who wishes to present at Congress (individual and roundtable presentations) must be a paid member by March 1.

What happens at the Annual Executive Meeting, and how does this affect me?

The CSSR Executive meets to discuss a variety of business issues, which are then brought forth to the CSSR Annual General Meeting (usually scheduled on the afternoon after the Executive meeting). The business issues concern executive member elections, the graduate student essay competition, book prizes, and the budget. Minutes from the Annual General Meeting are available on the CSSR website.

Will I be receiving a CSSR/SCÉR conference program when I arrive for Congress?

No. We do have one or two copies printed out (usually in the areas of socializing at the conference), but we encourage you to print out your own program before heading over.

Where can I look to find more information about the current CSSR/SCÉR annual meeting?

You can browse our Annual Meeting link, here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/22

I conduct my academic work in the French language. Is there space for me to present my work at the CSSR/SCÉR?

Certainly! We have included french language presentations in the past, and will continue to do so.

Am I allowed to (or why should I) attend the Annual General Meeting?

Yes! You may register for the annual Congress here: http://www.ideas-idees.ca/events/congress

Is there any funding available to students to travel to the CSSR/SCÉR conference each year?

Yes. Please contact our CSSR Treasurer for more details.

What is the CSSR/SCÉR Book Prize?

This annual award recognizes an outstanding monograph in Religious Studies written by a member in good standing of the CSSR and published during the previous three years (currently those with a copyright date of the current year, previous year or two years ago). In every third year of the award, commencing in 2015, the book prize will be awarded to a first book in Religious Studies written by a member in good standing and published during the previous three years. Collections of essays, whether by a single author or by multiple authors, are not eligible for the award. More information here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/28

Can I send my paper for the undergraduate or graduate essay contest?

Yes! More details here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/19

How do I search for other CSSR/SCÉR Members and Friends on the website?

First you must log in to the website using your login information. Then click on the “Our Members” menu on the left side of the website. Once there, click on the “Member Database Search link.”

Is there a CSSR/SCÉR Facebook group and can I join it?

Yes we have a Facebook group, specifically geared toward student members of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. Access and join the Facebook group here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/50

I have recently launched a book, or my work was showcased at my institution. How do I share this with other members?

Please email our web administrator so that your work can be added to either our Members’ Corner or our Member Bookshelf.

How can I keep up to date with Call for Papers, Job Postings, Funding and other opportunities?

Look under the “Resources” menu of the website (located on the left).

How do I sign up for the CSSR Newsletter?

We have a new newsletter system and you can subscribe here:

Subscribe to the CSSR Newsletter

My institution is holding a conference, how do I invite CSSR/SCÉR members to our Call For Papers?

Email our web administrator who will post this news in the “Call for Papers” section of the website, located under the “Resources” menu (located on the left side).

There is a job opening at my institution, how do I advertise this to CSSR/SCÉR members and friends?

Email our web administrator who will post this news in the “Job Postings” section of the website, located under the “Resources” menu (on the left side).

I have a funding or grant opportunity, or would like to advertise a post-doctoral position. How do I invite CSSR/SCÉR members and friends?

Email our web administrator who will post this news in the “Funding and Opportunities” section of the website, located under the “Resources” menu (on the left side).

I am looking for Professional and Educational Organizations related to Religion. How may I access these?

Check out our page of web links to these organizations here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/70

What do each of the Executive Members do?

We are in the process of writing formal job descriptions for each Executive member. These will be posted on the website in the future. In the meanwhile, you may ask Executive members for details.

Which other academic societies (e.g. the CCSR, IAHR) are you linked with?

Find out more here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/7

How may I contribute to the CSSR/SCÉR?

Contact one of our current Executive members for inquiries.