CFP — Digital Humanities 2013 – “Freedom to Explore”

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Digital Humanities 2013 (“Freedom to Explore”) – Call for Papers
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
Hosted by the University of Nebraska
16-19 July 2013

Paper/Poster/Panel deadline: 1 November 2012
Workshop proposal deadline: 15 February 2013

Call for Papers

I. General Information

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites submissions of abstracts for its annual conference, on any aspect of the digital humanities. This includes but is not limited to:

* humanities research enabled through digital media, data mining, software studies, or information design and modeling;
* computer applications in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies, including electronic literature, public humanities, and interdisciplinary aspects of modern scholarship;
* the digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital games, and related areas;
* the creation and curation of humanities digital resources;
* social, institutional, global, multilingual, and multicultural aspects of digital humanities;
* and the role of digital humanities in pedagogy and academic curricula.

We particularly welcome submissions on interdisciplinary work and new developments in the field, and encourage proposals relating to the theme of the conference.

Presentations may include:
* posters (abstract max of 750 words);
* short papers (abstract max of 1500 words);
* long papers (abstract max of 1500 words);
* multiple paper sessions, including panels (regular abstracts + approximately 500-word overview);
* and pre-conference workshops and tutorials (proposal max of 1500 words)

The deadline for submitting poster, short paper, long paper, and sessions proposals to the international Program Committee is midnight GMT, 1 November 2012. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 1 February 2013. Workshop and pre-conference tutorial proposals are due at midnight GMT on 15 February 2013, with notice of acceptance by 15 March 2013. An electronic submission form will be available on the conference site at the beginning of October 2012: Previous DH conference participants and reviewers should use their existing accounts rather than setting up new ones. If you have forgotten your user name or password, please contact Program Committee chair Bethany Nowviskie at

II. Types of Proposals

Proposals may be of five types: (1) poster presentations; (2) short paper presentations; (3) long papers; (4) three-paper or full panel sessions; and (5) proposals for pre-conference workshops and tutorials. Based on peer review and its mandate to create a balanced and varied program, the Program Committee may offer acceptance in a different category from the one initially proposed, and will normally not accept multiple submissions from the same author or group of authors. Papers and posters may be given in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

1) Poster Presentations

Poster proposals (500 to 750 words) may describe work on any topic of the call for papers or offer project and software demonstrations. Posters and demonstrations are intended to be interactive, with the opportunity to exchange ideas one-on-one with attendees. In addition to a dedicated session, when presenters will explain their work and answer questions, posters will be on display at various times during the conference.

2) Short Papers

Short paper proposals (750 to 1500 words) are appropriate for reporting on experiments or work in progress, or for describing newly conceived tools or software in early stages of development. This category of presentation allows for up to five short papers in a single session, with the length held to a strict 10 minutes each in order to allow time for questions.

3) Long Papers

Proposals for long papers (750 to 1500 words) are appropriate for: substantial, completed, and previously unpublished research; reports on the development of significant new methodologies or digital resources; and/or rigorous theoretical, speculative, or critical discussions. Individual papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions.

Proposals about the development of new computing methodologies or digital resources should indicate how the methods are applied to research and/or teaching in the humanities, what their impact has been in formulating and addressing research questions, and should include critical assessment of their application in the humanities. Papers that concentrate on a particular tool or digital resource in the humanities should cite traditional as well as computer-based approaches to the problem and should include critical assessments of the computing methodologies used. All proposals should include relevant citations to sources in the literature.

4) Multiple Paper Sessions

These consist of one 90-minute panel of four to six speakers, or three long papers on a single theme. Panel organizers should submit an abstract of 750 to 1500 words describing the panel topic, how it will be organized, the names of all the speakers, and an indication that each speaker is willing to participate in the session. Paper session organizers should submit a statement of approximately 500 words describing the session topic, include abstracts of 750 to 1500 words for each paper, and indicate that each author is willing to participate in the session. Papers that are submitted as part of a special session may not be submitted individually for consideration in another category.

5) Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorials

Participants in pre-conference workshops or tutorials will be expected to register for the full conference as well as pay a small additional fee.

Proposals should provide the following information:

* a title and brief description of the content or topic and its relevance to the DH community (not more than 1500 words);
* full contact information for all tutorial instructors or workshop leaders, including a one-paragraph statement of their research interests and areas of expertise;
* a description of target audience and expected number of participants (based, if possible, on past experience);
* and any special requirements for technical support.

Additionally, tutorial proposals should include:

* a brief outline showing that the core content can be covered in a half day (approximately 3 hours, plus breaks). In exceptional cases, full-day tutorials may be supported as well.

And workshop proposals must include:

* the intended length and format of the workshop (minimum half-day; maximum one and a half days);
* a proposed budget (as DH workshops are expected to be self-financing);
* and, if the workshop is to have its own CFP, a deadline and date for notification of acceptances, and a list of individuals who have agreed to be part of the workshop’s program committee.

III. Information about the Conference Venue and Theme

DH 2013 (“Freedom to Explore”) will take place in Lincoln, Nebraska, a capitol city of 258,000 people on the Great Plains of the United States. Lincoln is known for its artistic treasures, live music scene, fabulous trails, and friendly Midwestern attitude. It is also the home of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, chartered in 1869 as both a land-grant and a research university. UNL’s approximately 25,000 students come from about 120 different countries. Among its many degree offerings is an interdisciplinary graduate certificate in digital humanities. The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities is this year’s local organizer:

IV. Bursaries for young scholars

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations will offer a limited number of bursaries for early-career scholars presenting at the conference. Application guidelines will appear on the ADHO website later this year:

V. International Program Committee

Craig Bellamy (ACH)
John Bradley (ALLC)
Paul Caton (ACH)
Carolyn Guertain (CSDH/SCHN)
Ian Johnson (aaDH)
Bethany Nowviskie (ACH, chair)
Sarah Potvin (cN)
Jon Saklofske (CSDH/SCHN)
Sydney Shep (aaDH)
Melissa Terras (ALLC, vice-chair)
Tomoji Tabata (ALLC)
Deb Verhoeven (aaDH)
Ethan Watrall (cN)

[Please circulate widely!]

Bethany Nowviskie, MA Ed, Ph.D
Director, Digital Research & Scholarship, UVA Library
Associate Director, Scholarly Communication Institute
President, Association for Computers & the Humanities | | |

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