CFP: Eighteenth Annual Postgraduate Religion and Theology Conference. Hosted by the University of Bristol.

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

CFP: Eighteenth Annual Postgraduate Religion and Theology Conference.
Hosted by the University of Bristol.
8th;9th March 2013.
Keynote speaker: Professor Ronald Hutton.
Amended Submission Deadline – Friday 25th January 2013 Midnight.
Amended Registration Opening – Monday 4th February 2013 Midday.

Please submit abstracts for papers and/or posters through our University’s
‘Stop Shop’ page at:
(Kindly note that the organisers are not in a position to assist anyone
with visas, and will not consider or accept abstracts from those who
require assistance with visas).

– The extended deadline for submitting proposals will be 12:00 midnight on
Friday 25th January 2013.
– Registration for the conference will open at 12:00 midday on Monday 4th
February 2013 and will include refreshments and lunch on both days.
– Early registration is free for members of partner institutions and £10
for participants from other institutions or for those who are unaffiliated.
– Optional social events will be held on both evenings of the conference.
– Please note that all registrations received after 12.00 midday on Monday
18th February, will incur a £10 late registration fee.

A limited amount of financial assistance may be available to presenters of
papers and/or posters. The assistance may be used towards defraying travel
or accommodation expenses, or the early registration fee for participants
from non-partner institutions. Application details will be posted in early
February 2013 on the conference website.

For more information and registration, please visit:

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