Religion, Gender Violence and Public Policy in the 21st Century — 2nd International Conference on Religion

 In All, Call for Papers

2nd International Conference on Religion

Call for Papers

Religion, Gender Violence and Public Policy in the 21st Century

April 14-16, 2016
Greenville, NC 27858
Click here to download complete CFP

The theme of our 2nd International conference on Religion will focus on religious values and social violence and public violence. Our society is confronted with social issues that intersect with religious values. Gendered violence continues to be one area of concern in the 21st century. Violence does not only undermine human rights, it disrupts the ability for families to live healthy and productive lives. In our modern society where religious values are sometimes used to sanction violence, nations are obliged to institute policies to protect its citizens. Conveners invite scholars, researchers, activists, students and leaders from around the world to gather for an informative discussion of these important issues. This conference seeks to highlight how religious values affect social dynamics to draw attention to the role of the humanities and social science in public health.

The conference is organized and hosted by the Religious Studies Program, and affiliate programs at East Carolina University and will be held on April 3-5, 2016 at East Carolina University, Greenville North Carolina. Panels and participants will discuss, rethink, review and debate the following themes. Relevant panels, and poster sessions will be considered.

Conference papers should fall within the following sub-themes:

· Religion & Public Health
· Religion and Gender
· Intimate Violence
· Female Genital Cutting
· Human Trafficking
· Sexual Assault in Colleges
· Religion and Health Policies
· Health & Human Rights
· The Authority of the Pulpit
· Religion and LGBT
· Honor killings
· Child marriage

Abstract Submission
Submit your abstract to the convening committee by March15, 2016 at Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should be in the following format: 12 point Times New Roman, Single Spaced and in APA referencing style. Top, bottom, left and right margins should be one (1) inch each. Soft copy should be saved as a word file (Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format). The abstract should include This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to vfull contact details (title, name, email contact and institutional affiliation. We request that full papers be submitted by April 1, 2016. Select papers will be peer reviewed and published in an edited volume.


Abstract Submission – March 15, 2016

Complete Papers – March 30, 2016

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