Table of Contents — The Pomegranate journal issue 18.1 (2016)
Issue 18.1 (2016) table of contents

A Hackney Disciple of the Beast 666: A History in Letters
Christopher Josiffe
Theoretical, Terminological, and Taxonomic Trouble in the Academic Study of Contemporary Paganism: A Case for Reform
Ethan Doyle White
Contemporary Pagans and Stigmatized Identity
Gwendolyn Reece
Book Reviews- open access
Alex Mar, Witches of America (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015)
Reviewed by Mary Catherine Hamner
Patrick Curry, ed. Divination: Perspectives for a New Millennium (New York: Routledge, 2010)
Reviewed by Doe Daughtrey
Loraine Hutchins, and H. Sharif Williams, eds. Sexuality, Religion, and the Sacred: Bisexual, Pansexual, and Polysexual Perspectives (New York: Routledge, 2012)
Reviewed by Christine Hoff Kraemer
Arthur Versluis, Magic and Mysticism; An Introduction to Western Esotericism (Lanham, Md.: Rowan and Littlefield, (2007)
Reviewed by Melissa Jame Harrington
Philip Heselton, Doreen Valiente: Witch (Nottingham, UK: The Doreen Valiente Foundation in association with The Centre for Pagan Studies, 2016)
Reviewed by Ethan Doyle White
Christine Hoff Kraemer, Eros and Touch from a Pagan Perspective: Divided for Love’s Sake (New York: Routledge, 2014)
Reviewed by Constance Wise
Stephen A. McNallen, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality (Nevada City, Calif.: Runestone Press, 2015)
Reviewed by Jefferson F. Calico
Chas Clifton
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Letters and Review Editor
Christopher Chase
Editor Emeritus
Fritz Muntean, Vancouver
ISSN: 1743-1735
The Pomegranate
The Pomegranate is the first International, peer-reviewed journal of Pagan studies. It provides a forum for papers, essays and symposia on both ancient and contemporary Pagan religious practices. The Pomegranate also publishes timely reviews of scholarly books in this growing field.