“Socializing Transformations” — Religious Studies Graduate Student Association (Classics and Religious Studies), University of Ottawa

 In All, Call for Papers

Socializing Transformations:

Click here to download CFP poster in English and French

The Religious Studies Graduate Student Association (Classics and Religious Studies) at the University of Ottawa is pleased to invite submissions for its annual Graduate Student Symposium, Critical Inquiries into Classics and Religious Studies (CICRS), to be held throughout the day on April 12th, 2017.

Deadline: Feb. 13th, 2017

Graduate students within Classics, Religious Studies, and other disciplines are invited to submit a 200-250 word abstract to rsgsa@uottawa.ca. Papers should be 15-20 minutes to leave time for discussion. To enable a blind review process, we ask that you submit two separate and labeled documents: one abstract free of identifying characteristics, and one that includes your name, affiliation, and audiovisual equipment requirements, if any.

Theme: As a department of Classics and Religious Studies, we are interested in papers from antiquity to today. Our symposium challenges applicants to question assumed ‘constants’ and ‘continuity’ within our worlds and those of whom we study. How have and do social actors and institutions within various temporal and geographical contexts effect, affect, and/or react to transformations and change within their worlds? Submissions might address transformation with respect to: a) sacreds: that which is set apart as “special” for any reason; b) societies: aggregates of people sharing a social milieu; or, c) scholarship: previous or contemporary work upon a topic or within a field.

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