Table of Contents — Religious Studies and Theology Issue 36.1 (2017)

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Religious Studies and Theology
Issue 36.1 (2017) table of contents


Editorial Preface
Foreword: Mediations of Indigenous Religions
Catherine Caufield

Mediating indigenous Religions: By Way of Introduction
Gregory D. Alles, Bjørn Ola Tafjord

Through Indigenous Eyes: A Comparison of Two Tohono O’odham Photographic Collections Documenting Pilgrimages to Magdalena
Seth Schermerhorn, Lillia McEnaney

An Interview with a Goddess: Possession Rites as Regulators of Justice Among the Pnar of Northeastern India
Margaret Lyngdoh

Constituting De-Colonializing Horizons: Indigenous Theology, Indigenous Spirituality, and Christianity
Minna Opas

Book Reviews- open access
Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs, by Andrew Ralls Woodward. Hamilton Books, 2014
Jonathan Strand

The Song of Songs and the Fashioning of Identity in Early Latin Christianity, by Karl Shuve. Oxford University Press, 2016
David Lyle Jeffrey

Selfless Love and Human Flourishing in Paul Tillich and Iris Murdoch, by Julia T. Meszaros. Oxford University Press, 2016
David Fekete

The Qur’an and Its Readers Worldwide: Contemporary Commentaries and Translations, edited by Suha Taji-Farouki. Volume 14. Qur’anic Studies Series, edited by Omar Alí-de-Unzaga. Oxford University Press and The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2015
Kamran Bashir

Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking About Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack Racism, by Dwayne A. Tunstall. Fordham University Press, 2013
Joshua Culling

Catherine Caufield, Athabasca University

Consulting Editors
Willi Braun, University of Alberta
Earle Waugh,University of Alberta

Book Review Editor
Steven Muir

Religious Studies and Theology

ISSN: 1747-5414

Religious Studies and Theology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes thoughtful original research of an interdisciplinary nature with significance to the various fields of Religious Studies and Theology. International contributors from many disciplines explore understandings of the workings of religion and spirituality in the contemporary world. We also give special attention to studies on religion and religious communities in Canada with regard to the place of this nation in our interconnected global community.

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