Table of Contents — Eco-Resistance Movements, Special Issue of Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (11.1, 2017)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Issue 11.1 (2017) Table of Contents
Special Issue: Eco-Resistance Movements

Special Issue Introduction: Religion and Eco-Resistance Movements in the 21st Century
Joseph D. Witt, Bron Taylor
Mainstreaming Morality: An Examination of Moral Ecologies as a Form of Resistance
Lauren Baker, Samara Brock, Luisa Cortesi, Aysen Eren, Chris Hebdon, Francis Ludlow, Jeffrey Stoike, Michael Dove
Sacred Maize against a Legal Maze: The Diversity of Resistance to Guatemala’s ‘Monsanto Law’
Liza Grandia
Indigenous Knowledge and Contested Spirituality in Canadian Nuclear Waste Management
Meaghan Sarah Weatherdon
Decisive Ecological Warfare: Triggering Industrial Collapse via Deep Green Resistance
Todd LeVasseur
Field Notes
Standing on the Sacred: Ceremony, Discourse, and Resistance in the Fight against the Black Snake
Greg Johnson, Siv Ellen Kraft
Bron Taylor
University of Florida, USA
Book Review Editors
Joseph Andrew Park Wilson
Fairfield University, USA
Sarah R Werner
University of Florida, USA
ISSN: 1749-4907 (print)
ISSN: 1749-4915 (online)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
The Journal of Religion, Nature and Culture, which has been published quarterly since 2007, explores through the social and natural sciences the complex relationships among human beings, their diverse ‘religions’ (broadly and diversely defined) and the earth’s living systems, while providing a venue for analysis and debate over what constitutes an ethically appropriate relationship between our own species and the environments we inhabit.