Call for Participants at Congress 2018 – Study on Threshold Concepts in the Academic Study of Religion

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We are faculty members at the School of Religion at Queen’s University undertaking a study on Threshold Concepts in the Academic Study of Religion. Threshold Concepts are also known as “troublesome” or “irreversible” ideas. They come into play in learning critical to the formation of scholarly identity within any given discipline. Although much work has been done on Threshold Concepts in many disciplines, this is not the case for Religious Studies.

In order to begin addressing the core question of what are Threshold Concepts in Religious Studies, we are holding focus groups of 10-12 participants from CSSR and CSBS during a meeting at Congress in Regina.

We would like to invite you to be part of this conversation and share your experiences over a light luncheon on Sunday, May 27, from 12:00 – 1:00.

If you are interested, please email one or both of us and we will send you the full letter of information which provides more detail about the study.

If you cannot make it to this session but are interested in participating, please also let us know and we can arrange an alternative time to meet.

Dr. Sharday Mosurinjohn Dr. Richard Ascough
Assistant Professor, School of Religion Professor, School of Religion
613-533-6000 ext. 74313 613-533-2448

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