Table of Contents – Implicit Religion (Issue 21.3, 2019)

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Implicit Religion
Table of contents
Issue 21.3 (2018)

Pushing the Boundaries: Legal Approaches to the Definition of Religion
Hugh McFaul

Religious Freedom in Global Context
Jessica Giles

The Problem with Paganism in Charity Registration in England and Wales
Suzanne Owen

Implicit Beliefs, Explicit Practices? How International Human Rights Law Manages Religion
Helge Årsheim

Frog in a Pot: American Atheism and the Thermometry of Supreme Court Ideology
Ethan Quillen

Jack Laughlin
University of Sudbury, Canada
David G. Robertson
Open University / Religious Studies Project, UK

Available online to subscribers:

ISSN 1463-9955 (print)
ISSN 1743-1697 (online)

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