Call for Participants for the Transmission of Religion Across Generations project

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Dear CSSR Colleagues,

The Transmission of Religion Across Generations project is asking for your help in recruiting participants for our study. If you would be kind enough to share our recruitment text and poster (below) with your classes and networks it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Peter Beyer (Primary Investigator), Guillaume Boucher (Postdoctoral Researcher), and Alyshea Cummins (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Transmission of Religion Across Generations, University of Ottawa

Recruitment Text:
The Transmission of Religion Across Generations research project is looking into how religion and fundamental values are or are not passed on from one generation to another in Canadian families. Previous research has shown that, in Canada, people are becoming less and less religious from one generation to another, and we would like to find out what happens in families where the religion is successfully passed on to the children compared to what happens in families where the children end up being nonreligious. We are interested in families where everybody is religious, where only some people are, and where nobody is religious.

We are looking for volunteers to participate in this project. In order to participate, we need to have at least one member from each of three generations in your family willing to be interviewed, yourself, at least one of your parents, and at least one of your grandparents (or children if you are of the middle generation). More than one member of each generation would be even better. Each of you has to be living in Canada or have lived in Canada during most of the time when the youngest generation was growing up. Everyone participating has to be at least 18 years old.

Participation in this project would mean being involved in one interview lasting no more than one to three hours. We would like very much to interview members of all three generations in your family at the same time, if possible. If that is not possible, we would interview people individually.

To thank you for your contribution, families that participate in this research may enter their name in a draw to win a cash prize of $500 (Canadian). The chances of winning are no less than 1 in 25.

If you are interested in participating or you have questions about the project and participation, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the researchers listed in the poster (click to download as a PDF).

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