“‘The experience of an enfleshed spirituality’: Henri Nouwen and the Flying Trapeze” presented by by Carolyn Whitney-Brown – an online presentation hosted by CSRS
“‘The experience of an enfleshed spirituality’: Henri Nouwen and the Flying Trapeze”
Presented by Carolyn Whitney-Brown

Thursday, October 6
5:00-6:00 p.m. PT
David Turpin Building A110
Join via Zoom at uvic.ca/csrs/events
“For me, the university was the mind, L’Arche was the heart, but the trapeze was about the body. And the body tells a spiritual story,” said well-known professor, priest and writer Henri Nouw- en. From the 1867 hit song “The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze” with its gender-fluidity and the narrator’s economic out- rage, to more recent poets, theologians and practitioners, the tra- peze has been seen as risky, counter-cultural, sexy – and spiritual.
Carolyn Whitney-Brown is the co-author with Henri Nouwen of Flying, Falling, Catching: An Unlikely Story of Finding Freedom (2022). She teaches Religious Studies at St. Jerome’s University.