Assistant Professor of Indigenous Religions in the Americas – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Religious Studies

 In All, Job Postings

The UNC Department of Religious Studies is hiring a tenure track Assistant Professor of Indigenous Religions in the Americas.
Applications will be accepted through 11/10/22 at:

Here is the full text:
Indigenous Religions in the Americas Assistant Professor

Job Description: The Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor of Indigenous Religions in the Americas. The position is part of a cluster hire including four tenure-track and tenured positions in American Indian and Indigenous Studies in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences.

Applicants’ scholarship should engage both Religious Studies and America Indian and Indigenous Studies, while methodological approach, time period, and geographical location within the Americas are open. The successful candidate will demonstrate linguistic competencies in relevant Indigenous languages as appropriate and engagement with theoretical concerns in the study of religion. We seek scholars with a demonstrated commitment to engendering a climate that values diversity in all its forms and to developing collaborative relationships with Native nations, tribes, and communities.

The applicant is expected to have a Ph.D. in hand by the time the appointment begins on July 1, 2023. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by November 10, 2022.

To apply, submit the following materials online : a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a research statement, a teaching statement, a statement of contribution to diversity and inclusion, and a writing sample. In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of recommendation (signed and written on institutional letterhead) uploaded to the application through UNC’s online application system (letters can also be transmitted to the online application system or to through Interfolio).
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a dynamic and growing Office of Diversity and Inclusion and is an equal opportunity employer, with resources available to support Indigenous and Native American faculty, faculty of color, women, transgender and nonbinary faculty, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. The Department of Religious Studies is committed to a vision of the University where all members of the community feel valued and can thrive. Applicants of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
An offer of employment will be conditioned upon the University’s receipt of a satisfactory criminal background check.

special note: It may be worth noting that the start date of July 1, 2023 may not be possible if a USA work visa is required – Jan. 1, 2024 would be more likely.

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