Invitation for Submissions to Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (SR).
Dear CSSR,
I’m writing to you as president of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion
CSSR is a member of the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion, and a partner in the publication of the journal Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (SR).
SR welcomes submissions in any area of studies in religion.
A new editorial team took over in June 2016. Enquiries regarding book reviews should be directed to W. Rory Dickson (English language Book Review Editor) or to Jean-Jacques Lavoie (Coordonateur des comptes rendus de livres en français).
Suggestions for Special Issues can be sent the co-editors, Géraldine Mossière (articles en français) and Roxanne Marcotte (English articles).
Article submissions are done electronically (see “Submit Paper” tab on SR’s new SAGE webpage).
We hope you will be able to share this information with your members. Thank you for your kind assistance.
Yours respectfully
Roxanne Marcotte and Géraldine Mossière
Co-editors of SR/SR