Announcement – CSSR Executive 2017-2018

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Dear Colleagues,

It is with gratitude that I announce both our incoming executive members and say goodbye to our outgoing executive members; our Society benefits from the invaluable contributions and service of our members.

Our 2017-2018 Executive is as follows:

President: Heather Shipley
Past-President: Rubina Ramji
Recording Secretary: Alyshea Cummins
Treasurer: Bethany Berard
Membership Secretary: Catherine Caufield
Members-At-Large: Arlene Macdonald and Sharday Mosurinjohn
Programme Co-Chairs: David Feltmate and Qamer Hameed
Graduate Student Member-At-Large: Roxanne Korpan
Communications Liaison: Samīkṣā Munro

Our deep thanks to outgoing members Marybeth White, Brenda Anderson and Saliha Chattoo.

We look forward to continuing to find ways to serve and benefit our members in the coming year.


CSSR President

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