Coordinator needed for mentoring program – IAHR-WSN

 In Funding & Opportunities, Uncategorized

Dear members of the steering committee for IAHR-WSN,

Here is an update on the latest events and also a call for a coordinator for the mentoring program.

At the moment the network has the following resources:

A Facebook group where members can post announcements about conferences, research grants, job opportunities etc. The Facebook group has 531 members and works well. In general, there are new postings every week. The Fb-group works as a platform for information. We would like to encourage more members to make postings and also to initiate discussions.

An Email List which make announcements regarding upcoming conferences, in addition to research grants and scholarly opportunities. The Email list woks parallel to the Facebook group and is important since not everyone is on Facebook. Please don’t forget to send information to who coordinates the list.

The WSN also has a webpage connected to the main IAHR-page with information about the network including a resources page for the posting of recent publications, bibliographies, syllabi and course outlines, reports of latest research and other pertinent information. The webpage can also be used to share conference photos and reports. As well as Links to other associations and networks that could prove helpful for research.

It is possible to connect to IAHR-WSN through ACADEMIA.EDU. If you use ACADEMIA.EDU, please feel free to connect to IAHR-WSN.

Mentoring program: Many members have requested a mentoring program which has also been initiated by the coordinators. The challenge is how to make it operational on a regular basis. A special coordinator for the mentoring program is needed. We would therefore like to make a call for this position, i.e. someone who, in discussion with us and members of the steering committee, could come with a suggestion on how to connect possible mentors with mentees and implement the program. Please let us know if you would like to take on this important role or if you wish to recommend another scholar for the role.

All the best,

Jenny Berglund and Jay Johnston

Jenny Berglund, professor in Religious Education
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm

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