Table of Contents – Bulletin for the Study of Religion (Issue 47.2, 2018)

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Bulletin for the Study of Religion
Issue 47.2 (2018) Table of contents


Editorial-open access
Rock, Rattle, and Roll: Rattling Cages and Challenging the Study of Religion
Philip L. Tite

The Insularity of the Study of Ancient Religions and “Religion”
Nickolas P. Roubekas

If Discourse Is All There Is: On Studying Religion in the Ancient Context
Sarah E. Rollens

On Finding Common Ground: A (Very Brief) Reflection on a So What? Question
Nickolas P. Roubekas

“They Were Talking about Themselves”: Michael Altman, American Hinduism, and Critique from the Inside of Religious Studies
Andrew Kunze

Some More Delightful Iconoclasm: A Response to Andrew Kunze
Michael J. Altman

On Theory (as Pedagogy) in a Time of Excess: Asking Questions in 2017
Jessica Radin

Philosophy for Religious Studies: An Interview with Kevin Schilbrack
Alexey Rakhmanin

Philip L. Tite, University of Washington, USA

Managing Editor
Arlene L. Macdonald, University of Texas, USA

Book Review Editor
Adam T Miller, University of Chicago, USA

Blog Editors
Matt Sheedy, University of Manitoba, Canada
Stacie Swain, University of Ottawa, Canada

Production Editor
Chas S. Clifton, USA

Associate Editors
Jack E. Llewellyn, Missouri State University, USA
Nathan Rein, Ursinus College, USA
K. Merinda Simmons, University of Alabama, USA

Bulletin for the Study of Religion

ISSN: 2041-1863 (Print)
ISSN: 2041-1871 (Online)

The Bulletin publishes articles that address religion in general, the history of the field of religious studies, method and theory in the study of religion, and pedagogical practices. The Bulletin is unique in that it offers a forum for various academic voices to debate and reflect on the ever-changing state of the field, and insofar as it encourages scholars continually to engage meta-level questions at the leading edge of inquiry.

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