please note that due to the pandemic, since 2020 the dates and activities below have been subject to great flux and are somewhat inaccurate. For more accurate information please visit specific pages on the website for Book Prize, Essay Contests, Membership, Annual Meeting, and so on. Please also subscribe to the CSSR newsletter for updated information

Tasks to be done by specific CSSR Executive members indicated in square brackets [ ]. Please note some of the deadlines change each year given the special circumstances of that year. For the most precise deadlines please visit the respective pages on the website where information is updated for the given year (e.g. Essay Contests, Annual Meeting, Book Prize, etc.)

• Membership Fees due for the new calendar year (Starting in January)
For more information about Membership, please contact our current Secrétaire à l’adhésion
or visit our Membership page: http://cssrscer.ca/?q=node/64
• All through January: send shorter membership renewal reminders as part of weekly newsletter through December and January. [Communications Liaison] • All through the year: send relevant CSSR items (e.g. annual meeting, webinars, essay contests, book prize) to be posted on the CCSR website. [Communications Liaison]

• Send membership renewal reminders to those who wish to take part in Congress as members (must be paid members as of March 1st) [Communications Liaison] • Send reminder that CSSR Intent to Submit Travel Claim form is due March 30th [Communications Liaison]

• Membership Fees due March 1st for name to appear on Congress program
For more information about the Congress program, please contact our current Program Co-Chairs

MARCH 30th
• CSSR Intent to Submit Travel Claim form due – March 30th
For more information about Travel Subsidies, please contact our current Trésorier

• Notice for Essay Contests sent out as separate newsletter to our subscribers – April 1st (essay contests due on April 20th) [Communications Liaison] For more information about Essay Contests, please contact our current Conseillers

APRIL 20th
• Essay Contests deadline – April 20th
For more information about Essay Contests, please contact our current Conseillers

• Reminder emails sent out to members about AGM, President’s Reception, Graduate Student Luncheon [Communications Liaison] • Congress News section highlighted in weekly newsletter [Communications Liaison]

• Congress & CSSR Annual Meeting CSSR
• Change dates for deadlines on website. Create new page for next year’s Annual Meeting [Communications Liaison].
• CSSR Graduate and Undergraduate Essay Contest Winners posted to website (See: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/116) [Communications Liaison] • CSSR Book Prize Winners posted to website (See: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/118). Information about Book Prize updated on website [Communications Liaison]

JULY 1st
• Send out Annual Meeting recap blurb in Newsletter [President] • Send out reminder that Travel Subsidy for Annual Meeting is due July 15th [Communications Liaison]. For any questions about Travel Subsidy, please contact our Trésorier
• Post both AGM Minutes, and Executive Meeting minutes on website [Communications Liaison].

JULY 15th
• Travel Subsidy for Annual Meeting deadline – July 15th
For more information about Travel Subsidies, please contact our current Trésorier

• Call for Student Ambassadors; new poster posted to website and call included in weekly newsletter (See: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/991). [Graduate Student Member-at-Large & Communications Liaison]. For any questions about the Student Ambassador Program, please contact our current Graduate Student Member-At-Large.
• Book Prize to be circulated in newsletters in preparation for Dec 31st deadline [Past President & Communications Liaison]

• CSSR Call for Papers Sent out – end of October. Add blurb to weekly newsletter as a reminder until December 15th. [President & Communications Liaison] • SUNFLOWER paper submission program activated for the year [Communications Liaison].
For more information about our CSSR Call for Papers, please contact our current Program Co-Chairs
For help with using SUNFLOWER or any aspect of the website, please contact our current Communications Liaison/Website Administrator

• Send Membership renewal notice as a separate email to listserv. Send reminders as part of weekly newsletter through December and January. [Communications Liaison]. For questions about membership, please contact our current Secrétaire à l’adhésion.

• Send shorter membership renewal reminders as part of weekly newsletter through December and January. [Communications Liaison] • Book Prize reminder sent out in weekly newsletter and also as separate email in preparation for Dec 31st deadline [Communications Liaison].

• Send CSSR Call for Papers reminder as a newsletter (December 15th deadline) [Communications Liaison]. For more information about our CSSR Call for Papers, please contact our current Program Co-Chairs

• CSSR Call for Papers deadline is December 15th (we switched it in 2017 year from Dec 1)
For more information about our CSSR Call for Papers, please contact our current Program Co-Chairs
For help with using SUNFLOWER or any aspect of the website, please contact our current Communications Liaison/Website Administrator

• CSSR Book Prize Nominations – December 31st
For more information about our Book Prize Nominations, please contact our Past President