CFP: Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference in Heidelberg from 25-29 August, 2014.

 In Call for Papers, Events, Uncategorized

Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference in Heidelberg from
25-29 August, 2014.

The conference is aimed to showcase current research on all aspects of
Buddhist epistemology and logic in India, China or Tibet from a historical,
philological and/or philosophical perspective. Papers may also address
aspects of the relationship of Buddhist pramāṇa to other currents of
thought within Buddhism or in the respectively pertinent
broader intellectual environment.

The conference is scheduled for the week immediately after the IABS
conference in Vienna (August 18-23), to facilitate participation in both
conferences for scholars from overseas.

To receive further circulars for the Dharmakīrti conference in the future,
please subscribe to the conference mailing-list at this website:

(Click “subscribe” on the right-hand side.)

Participants of the last conference who already received the first circular
are already subscribed to the list. An online registration system for the
conference will be made available by 31 July 2013.

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