Secularism & Nonreligion Journal Symposia — 2015 International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) World Congress

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Atheism: Psychological Perspectives – Secularism & Nonreligion Journal Symposia

The journal Secularism & Nonreligion is planning to propose a symposium of 3-4 individual papers for the upcoming 2015 International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) World Congress. We invite you to submit proposals falling under the broad theme of psychological perspectives on atheism for consideration as part of the proposed symposia. Some topics and perspectives include, but are not limited to: cognitive science, qualitative/quantitative methods, psychological-anthropology, phenomenology, ethnography, cultural psychology, and philosophy of science. We are particularly interested in papers covering atheism outside of the Western context.

The conference is from August 17th to 20th at Marmara Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi in Istanbul Turkey. A link to the conference website with further information can be found here:

All submissions to be considered for the proposed Secularism & Nonreligion Journal Symposia on “Atheism: Psychological Perspectives” must be in keeping with the IAPR guidelines for the conference and be received before January 15th 2015. Contributions must take the form of a paper. Participants may appear as first author only once (paper or poster) – except keynotes, pre-conference, discussant and chair; non-first authorship is unlimited. Named first authors should register for the congress and present their work. Abstracts should be in English and no more than 150 words in length excluding the title and the list of authors. A book of abstracts will be provided to all participants. Contributions themselves should be in English.

Please email a Word document before January 15th 2015 with the information below to S&N Assistant Editor Thomas J. Coleman III at in order to be considered for inclusion in our proposed symposia. Notification of preliminary acceptance will follow shortly after this deadline and then the final symposia selected by our journal will be submitted to the IAPR committee for approval.

Submission Title
Abstract describing the content (150 words maximum)
Presenter and Co-Author Information, including affiliation and email address
Thank you,
– Secularism & Nonreligion editorial team ​

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