2012 International Summer School for Jain Studies

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Dear Colleagues,

Please pass along to students and colleagues: the 2012 International Summer School for Jain Studies. This school offers the opportunity for your graduate students and teaching faculty to enjoy an immersive experience in India supported by a return airfare and stipend. The International Summer School for Jain Studies presents an absolutely unique entry into Indian society today; participants visit several locations along with many chances to visit with local people. These unique experiences accompany the intensive research on Indian history, sociology, philosophy and languages. This is an opportunity to achieve personal depth and interdisciplinary breadth that is difficult to find by other means.

Admission Brochure — Download PDF
ISSJS 2012 Admissions — Download PDF

See also the University of Ottawa’s program (http://www.cla-srs.uottawa.ca/eng/jainism.html), which, in conjunction with the Jain Studies Summer School in India, runs a summer program for Canadian students. It’s application deadline is December 15 2011. For more information, contact the program director at U of O:

Anne Vallely, PhD
Associate Professor/Professeure agrégée
Department of Classics and Religious Studies/Départment d’études anciennes et science des religion
University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa
70 Laurier, Ottawa K1B 6N5
(613) 562-5800x 1168

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