With great sadness: T. N. Schonhoffer

 In Members' Corner, Uncategorized

Dear colleagues,

With great sadness, I write to inform you all of the sudden passing of an esteemed member of our graduate student community: T. Nicholas Schonhoffer. Nick was a passionate ABD PhD candidate at the University of Toronto at the time of his passing, and worked on topics as diverse as the Gospels of Peter and Thomas, the sociologies of knowledge and violence, and comparison in the study of religion. Nick enjoyed yearly archaeological digs in Israel and was known for translating Coptic at a level reached by few others, alongside his mentors John Kloppenborg and Bill Arnal. He was a dear friend to many of us, and an active member of societies including the SBL and our own. His knowledge cannot be easily replaced, nor his presence forgotten. His most recent article on the relationship of the Gospel of Peter to the canonical gospels can be found in Ephimeredes Theologicae Lovanienses 87(1) and his chapter in Failure and Nerve in the Academic Study of Religion: Essays in Honor of Donald Wiebe is forthcoming.

His loss is deeply felt in this community.

For those interested, donations are being accepted to the T. Nicholas Schonhoffer travel bursary at his home institution.

Sincerely yours,
Aldea Mulhern
on behalf of the CSSR/SCÉR


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