Health, Healing and Religion Conference (May 25-27, 2012)

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Health, Healing and Religion Conference
Vidya Institute
Toronto, Ontario
May 25-27, 2012

Building on the success of last year’s conference we will be examining strategies for using the wisdom of the world’s religious traditions for healing while living in a secular society. This is includes a discussion of how to bring spiritual teachings into curriculum in medical and nursing schools and into a wide variety of institutions.

Scheduled speakers Dr. Christine Puchalski , Executive Director of the George Washington Institute of Spirituality and Health, and Cheryl Vanderburg, Program Coordinator, Freeing the Human Spirit, are two speakers who will discuss their years of experience in bringing spiritual practice and knowledge to the public. The conference will combine theory and practice and include: talks, round tables and meditative and stress management practices.

More details here:

Conference Poster—Download PDF
Conference Itinerary—Download PDF

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