Contemplative Retreat for Educators, Fall 2012, Garrison Institute

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Contemplative Retreat for Educators

Led by
Mirabai Bush
Founding Director, The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
Paul Wapner
Professor of Global Environmental Politics, American University

October 18 – 21, 2012
at the Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY
learn more at

The sixth annual Retreat is an opportunity to
cultivate awareness and inquire deeply into our professional lives.

While this retreat is designed for college and secondary school educators, administrators and staff, we welcome participants from a wide range of professional experience. We welcome all those interested in contemplative practice, from beginners to seasoned practitioners.

A deep, personal experience with contemplative practices is necessary for anyone wanting to integrate contemplative methods into their work with others. One’s own practice is the ground from which adaptations can arise. This retreat is an opportunity to support a stronger framework for the development of practices in your everyday work.

Since 1997, The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society has worked with change-makers from many disciplines to create a more just, compassionate and reflective society through the cultivation of contemplative awareness. Our retreats have been developed to serve the needs of those working with fellow educators, students and administration in secular settings.

Much of this retreat will be spent in focused, guided inquiry and in silence, including some silent meals. Through guided meditation, mindful walking, yoga, and journaling, participants will examine their work deeply, enabling them to reenter their professional lives from a place of greater skillfulness and insight. The final day of the retreat will include discussion of contemplative pedagogical methods and the relationship of the contemplative perspective to teaching, learning, and knowing.

More details here:

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