A Message from Aldea Mulhern, Graduate Student Member-At-Large (outgoing)

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Greetings, religion grads!

I hope you’re well and thriving, or at least surviving, at the end of the term.

I’ve got updates here about:
1) The CSSR/SCER annual meeting during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
2) The fabulous free Professional Development Luncheon
3) Money
4) Calls for papers

…and these are they.

1) The CSSR/SCER annual meeting during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

There is one! I hope you are coming! Victoria, June 1-4. I look forward to seeing you. More info here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/

2) The fabulous free Professional Development Luncheon

There is one! It will be about grant writing. Illustrious scholars Paul Bramadat and Wili Braun (http://csrs.uvic.ca/home/bramadat_bio.php and http://www.historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/en/People/Faculty/BraunWilli.aspx) will be speaking, and fascinating discussion will ensue. There will be tasty lunch for all, and afterward, a short tour, before the afternoon panels begin.

Keeners, please hit reply to this email if you plan to be attendance, to help me make sure we have the right number of sandwiches.

3) Money

In a nutshell, SSHRC had to cut funding to all academic societies. There are no travel subventions for this year. However, the CSSR/SCER voted to make budget cuts and divert funds in order to create a travel fund, so that presenters can still receive support to come to the conference this year. Students were made the priority of this fund. More info here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/

4) Calls for papers

There are CFPs posted on our website here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=taxonomy/term/4

If you have any CFPs to circulate, please post them or send them to me.

That’s all, folks! I am looking forward to meeting/seeing many of you in Victoria!
Warmly yours,
Aldea Mulhern
CSSR/SCER Graduate student Member-at-large (outgoing)
University of Toronto

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