New book and discount code by Equinox Publishers — “Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories”

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Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation
New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories

Edited by Heather Eaton and Lauren Michelle Levesque, both at St Paul University, Ottawa
HB 9781781794715
£60 / US$100
PB 9781781794722
£19.99 / US$29.95

Provides an invaluable contribution in making the case for a better world and a nonviolent future. By drawing together thinkers and doers across a wide range of disciplines, Heather Eaton and Lauren Michelle Levesque have created a solid analysis for social change.
Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party Canada

Active nonviolence is the basis for the culture of peace now struggling to replace the old culture of war. Here is a studious, penetrating examination of the many sides of nonviolence. Students and civil society activists will benefit from this book.
Hon. Douglas Roche, former Canadian Senator and Ambassador for Disarmament

Nonviolence is the most important–and most neglected–path forward for humanity, and this breathtaking new collection offers many new insights into the way of nonviolence for our troubled world. I hope many will read it, discuss it, and share it widely so that together we can ‘advance nonviolence’ for positive social transformation for justice, disarmament and peace. We can all become nonviolent. We can all work for a more nonviolent world. We can all join the global grassroots movement for a new future of nonviolence. This wise book is a gift that can help us with the task ahead.
John Dear, activist, author, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Quote the code Nonviolence and receive 25% off. To see more information on the book and to order visit the book page:

Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation; Heather Eaton; Lauren Levesque

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