Table of Contents — Buddhist Studies Review Issue 33.1-2 (2016)

Reuse and Intertextuality in the Context of Buddhist Texts
Elisa Freschi and Cathy Cantwell
Reuse in Buddhist śāstric texts
Reuse of Text in Pāli Legal Commentaries
Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Some Remarks on Sthiramati and his Putative Authorship of the Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā, the
*Sūtrālaṃkāravṛttibhāṣya and the Triṃśikāvijñaptibhāṣya
Jowita Kramer
Veṅkaṭanātha’s Engagement with Buddhist Opponents in the Buddhist Texts he Reused
Elisa Freschi
Reuse in Buddhist narrative literature
Walking the Deckle Edge. Scribe or Author? Jayamuni and the Creation of the Nepalese Avadānamālā Literature
Camillo A. Formigatti
Reuse in Buddhist canonical literature
Intertextuality, Contradiction, and Confusion in the Prasādanīya-sūtra, Sampasādanīya-sutta, and 自歡喜經 (Zì huānxǐ jīng)
Charles DiSimone
Re-making, Re-marking, or Re-using? Hermeneutical Strategies and Challenges in the Guhyasamāja Commentarial Literature
Paul G. Hackett
Reuse in Tibetan Buddhist texts
Re-presenting a Famous Revelation: Dudjom Rinpoche’s Work on the ‘Ultra Secret Razor Lifeforce Vajrakīlaya’ (yang gsang srog gi spu gri) of Pema Lingpa (padma gling pa, 1450–1521
Cathy Cantwell
Rewritten or Reused? Originality, Intertextuality, and Reuse in the Writings of a Buddhist Visionary in Contemporary Tibet
Antonio Terrone
Final reflections
Thoughts on Originality, Reuse, and Intertextuality in Buddhist Literature Derived from the Contributions to the Volume
Vesna A. Wallace
Ulan-Ude Manuscript Kanjur: An Overview, Analysis and Brief Catalogue
Kirill Alekseev, Nikolay Tsyrempilov and Timur Badmatsyrenov
On the Supposedly Liberating Function of the First Absorption
Bhikkhu Anālayo
Madhyamaka and modern Western philosophy: a report
Jan Westeerhoff
Reviews- open access
Madhyamaka and Yogācāra – Allies or Rivals?, edited by Jay L. Garfield and Jan Westerhoff
Reviewed by Warren Lee Todd
Spreading Buddha’s Word in East Asia: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon, edited by Jiang Wu and Lucille Chia
Reviewed by T. H. Barrett
Die Übermenschlichen Phänomene, Visuelle Meditation und Wundererscheinung in buddhistischer Literatur und Kunst: Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Versuch,by Dieter Schlingloff
Reviewed by Paul Gerstmayr
Love and Liberation – Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro, by Sarah Jacoby
Reviewed by Güzin A. Yener
Peter Harvey, University of Sunderland
Alice Collett, York St John University
Book Review Editor
Christopher Jones, Oxford University
Buddhist Studies Review
ISSN: 1747-9681
Buddhist Studies Review is published by Equinox on behalf of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies.The journal seeks to publish quality articles on any aspect of Buddhism, with submitted papers being blind peer-reviewed by two experts prior to acceptance.
Relevant fields for the journal are: the different cultural areas where Buddhism exists or has existed (in South, Southeast, Central and East Asia); historical and contemporary aspects (including developments in ‘Western’ Buddhism); theoretical, practical and methodological issues; textual, linguistic, archaeological and art-historical studies; and different disciplinary approaches to the subject (e.g. Archaeology, Art History, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Comparative Religion, Law, Oriental Studies, Philosophy, Philology, Psychology, Religious Studies, Theology).