“Textbook Violence” – New Publication and Discount Code from Equinox Publishers
Equinox is delighted to announce the publication of

Textbook Violence
Edited by James, R. Lewis, Bengt-Ove Andreassen and Suzanne Anett Thobro, all at the University of Tromso, Norway
HB 9781781792582 £75 / $100
PB 9781781792599 £22.95 / $29.95
E-PDF 9781781795132 Individuals: £22.95 / $29.95 Institutions: £75 / $100
230 pages
Quote the code Textbook to get 25% off print and ebooks. For more information and to order visit https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/textbook-violence-bengt-ove-andreassen-james-r-lewis-suzanne-a-thobro/
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