Online Forum Showcasing “Re-Storying Canada: Religion and Public Memory” Conference

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My name is Jeremy Cohen and I am contacting you on behalf of the organizing committee for the Re-Storying Canada conference, professors Emma Anderson (University of Ottawa), Hillary Kaell (Concordia) and Pamela Klassen (Toronto). Re-Storying Canada: Religion and Public Memory in 2017 was a three-day interdisciplinary conference and art event held at the University of Ottawa in May 2017. Funded by SSHRC and the Ministry of Heritage, it brought together artists, curators, novelists, and scholars from across the country.

We have created a curated online forum to showcase some of the projects from the conference, as well as contributions from Canadian scholars on topics about how religion in Canada intersects with indigenous narratives, historical memory, material culture, immigration, gender, race, and more.

You can view our website by navigating to

If you have any questions, or require additional information from me, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Jeremy Cohen
PhD – Religious Studies
McMaster University
m: 514.889.4571
w: / /

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