Seeking new NSRN Executive Officer and Treasurer

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The Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network was founded in 2008 to pool existing research and to facilitate international and interdisciplinary discussion on nonreligion and secularity. Under the directorship of Lois Lee, Stacey Gutkowski, Johannes Quack and Chris Cotter, as well Stephen Bullivant and Nicholas Gibson, the NSRN has been established as a leading global network for the social scientific research of nonreligion and secularity. The NSRN has in this time produced one of the first book series in this area (Religion and its Others: Studies in Religion, Nonreligion and Secularity, DeGruyter Press), the first academic journal (Secularism & Nonreligion), five academic conferences, ten annual lectures, a successful blog and website, and sustained global media coverage in outlets such as the New York Times and Der Spiegel. It has sparked numerous research collaborations, including the multi-million pound Understanding Unbelief programme, funded by the Templeton Foundation at the University of Kent.

In honour of the 10th anniversary of the NSRN and to prepare it for future growth, the NSRN is delighted to announcement the appointment of a new President, Professor Lori G. Beaman, to serve a two-year term and provide academic leadership and vision on the strategic direction of the NSRN. It is also proposed that an academic Association be formalized, to establish new administrative and financial structures and a new constitution and by-laws. To that end, the NSRN seeks nominations for the following positions. These positions, along with new President, and Conference chair (TBC), will replace the existing NSRN directorships.


The Executive Officer shall have responsibility for managing the affairs of the NSRN (Association) between meetings of the Executive Council and shall report to the Council at the biennial meeting on their work and the overall condition of the Association. They shall have oversight over all NSRN (Association) activities and be the main point of contact for the Association, facilitating timely communication (internal and external) on behalf of the Executive Committee and the Association.


The Treasurer will be responsible for the maintenance of financial records, collecting membership subscriptions, paying of bills and expenses, preparation of annual accounts, monitoring the financial health of the NSRN (Association), and other relevant duties that may arise.

These two officers will serve a three-year term, starting in March 2019, after which new elections will be held for these positions. Nominations for Executive Officer and Treasurer will close on Friday, 8 February. Please send a short CV and candidate statement to For informal expressions of interests, please contact The new Executive Officer and Treasurer will work with the new President and the outgoing directors during a transition period to finalise a draft constitution, to be voted on by the membership in July 2019 at the NSRN conference.

Dr Stacey Gutkowski
Senior Lecturer in Conflict Studies
Department of War Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy
King’s College London

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