“Legacies of the Occult: Psychoanalysis, Religion and Unconscious Communication” by Marsha Aileen Hewitt — New publication and discount code from Equinox Publishers
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Legacies of the Occult
Psychoanalysis, Religion and Unconscious Communication
Marsha Aileen Hewitt, University of Toronto
202 pages
HB US$100
PB US$32
e-PDF US$32
For more information and to order at 25% off quoting the code EQX visit the book page:
Legacies of the Occult; Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Unconscious Communication; Marsha Hewitt
I found this book profound, brave, fair, and often genuinely moving. I felt myself in confident and sure hands with Hewitt’s intellect, prose, and analysis.
One of the book’s and the author’s great virtues, or acts of courage and humanity, is that the conversation opens out onto a new field of inquiry that is really quite old (the paranormal, the occult, the magical) and, as such, attempts to make some better sense of an entire spectrum of human experience that has been ignored, or just mocked, in the modern academic world. A number of us have been intuiting or orbiting around these strange phenomena for some time (and I detect a real quiet renaissance here, in which Hewitt’s book will certainly participate), but in a way that generally lacks the broader history of psychology and therapeutic frameworks that Hewitt provides with such precision and richness.
Jeffrey J. Kripal, J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religion, Rice University
Valerie Hall
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