Producing Islam(s) Special Guest Panel – an online presentation hosted by CSRS

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Producing Islam(s) Special Guest Panel


Thursday, September 29
5:00-6:00 p.m. PT
*online only*

Join us on Zoom:

Producing Islam(s) in Canada is the first volume of its kind to reflect on the diverse range of scholarship, positionalities, and politics in the study of Islam in the Canadian academy since the 1970s. This round table invites contributors from different sec- tions of the volume to share their reflections about what is at stake regarding portrayals of Islam(s) and Muslims in the schol- arship we produce and where they see the study of Muslims and Islam in Canada heading.

Sadaf Ahmed, Amélie Barras, Katherine Bullock, Aaron Hughes, and Sahver Kuzucuoglu are contributing authors to Producing Islams in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality and Politics. Join us as they present their key findings and take your questions.

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