“Sacred Sites as Public Sphere in Kashmir’s Contentious Politics” presented by Zohra Batul and Reeta Tremblay – an online presentation hosted by CSRS
Sacred Sites as Public Sphere in Kashmir’s Contentious Politics
Zohra Batul and Reeta Tremblay

Thursday, January 19
5:00-6:00 p.m.
*online only*
Join via Zoom at uvic.ca/csrs/events
Holy sites in Kashmir are well known for their involvement in con- tentious politics and have proved themselves crucial for creating shared identity and meaning. Sacred sites provide the leaders and the people of Kashmir an organizational hub for protest. Conse- quently, these sacred spaces have emerged as the centre of struggle in Kashmir. Moreover, shrines and mosques offer a rich associational life for their members providing an opportunity for urban and rural people to interact and exchange views regarding all sorts of prob- lems facing Kashmir—religious, social, economic, and political.
Zohra Batul holds a PhD in Political Science from Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi, India). Her research focuses on Religion, Gender and Spa- tial Politics, Migration and Movement. Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay is Professor Emerita in the dept of Political Science at UVic.
photo credit: Mubashir Khan