You are invited to use RelBib (open access database) which is now ready for testing

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Dear members of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion!

RelBib, the alpha version of a new open access database for Religious Studies, is now open for testing. Sponsored by the Specialized Information Service Religious Studies (Fachinformationsdienst Religionswissenschaft) at Tübingen University Library / Germany, RelBib is internationally accessible for free. For searching in RelBib no password is needed. Only for the use of some special features can a login account be created for free.

We will be happy if you distribute the link to Relbib among the institutions and members of your association and encourage everyone to give us her or his feedback on Relbib. This is possible by either using the feedback button on the RelBib website or by writing an email to our team:
Looking forward to any comments from your country’s scholars!
Kindly yours
Gabriele Zeller und Mareike Heinritz

Dr. Gabriele Zeller
FID Religionswissenschaft
Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 32 · 72074 Tübingen · Germany
Tel: +49 7071 29-74030 ·

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