Tenure-Track position in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion, Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven

 In Job Postings, News | Nouvelles, Uncategorized

The Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven is advertising a tenured position in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion. The rank is open. The Institute is looking for candidates with a record of excellent publications and teaching ability, as well as the continued promise of innovative philosophical research. Teaching and research at the Institute of Philosophy covers the history of metaphysics and philosophy of religion as well as contemporary developments (with a non-exclusive emphasis on continental developments). The deadline for applications is September 27, 2012.

See: http://hiw.kuleuven.be/eng/jobsscholarships.html

More information about the BOF/ZAP professorships can be found at


The procedures for the BOF/ZAP position and the regular position run parallel, but are basically independent of one another. Candidates who consider applying for a BOF/ZAP professorship are advised to contact Prof. Toon Vandevelde (Antoon.Vandevelde@hiw.kuleuven.be) or Prof. Stefaan Cuypers (stefaan.cuypers@hiw.kuleuven.be

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