Women’s Studies in Religion Program Research Associate and Visiting Faculty

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Women’s Studies in Religion Program Research Associate and Visiting Faculty

Institution: Harvard Divinity School Women’s Studies in Religion Program
Posted: May 25, 2012
Location: Massachusetts
Employment Level: Fellowship
Website: http://www.hds.harvard.edu/wsrp/
Application Deadline: October 15, 2012
Category: Religion, Women’s/ gender studies
Employment Status: Full-time
Salary: Competitive

Women’s Studies/Religion: Harvard Divinity School announces five full-time positions as Research Associate and Visiting Faculty for 2013-14 in its Women’s Studies in Religion Program. Proposals for book-length research projects utilizing both religion and gender as central categories of analysis are welcomed. Priority will go to book projects for which most research has been completed. They may address women and religion in any time, place or religious tradition, and may utilize disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches from across the fields of theology, the humanities, and the social sciences. Full-time residence at Harvard Divinity School during the 2013-14 academic year is required. Associates meet together regularly for collective discussion of research in progress; each Associate teaches a one-semester course related to the research project; and the Associates present their research in a public lecture series. Salary for 2013-14 will be $50,000. The appointment is full-time, lasting ten months, and includes health benefits and reimbursement of some expenses. Completed applications must be submitted online by October 15, 2012. Applicants must have received their Ph.D. by October 1, 2012. Letters of recommendation should be addressed to the WSRP Search Committee and submitted electronically in word, rich text, or PDF format to wsrprec@hds.harvard.edu. Information and application may be accessed athttp://www.hds.harvard.edu/wsrp/appform/application.htm.

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