CFP — Religious Right-wing Radicalism: Mapping the Territory

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Religious Right-wing Radicalism: Mapping the Territory.
Conference on the Study of Right-wing Radicals use of religious belief

Date: 26 – 27 September 2014
Place: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 122,
2300 Copenhagen S
Official website:

In its threat assessment for 2011 the Norwegian intelligence service PST
estimated that “The right and left extremist communities will not in
2011 pose a serious threat to Norwegian society.” Several European
intelligence services shared this view, but with the bombings in Oslo
and the shooting on Utøya 22 July 2011 religious right-wing radicalism has
reappeared on the political agenda. The militant right-wing extremist
Anders Breivik legitimized his actions by referring to an international
Christian military order called The Knights Templar, thereby placing
religion as a central theme in his version of right-wing radicalism.
Within a transnational frame the intelligence services lack of focus on
right-wing groups has resulted in a lack of knowledge about these
groups’ organization, conceptions and practices. This is particularly true of
the religious legitimization of right-wing radical’s conceptual universe
that this conference aims to elucidate.

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