“Women, Religions and Gender Relations” — University of Turin, November 9-11, 2016

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Women, Religions and Gender Relations
University of Turin
9-11 November 2016

Interest in the subject of “Women, Religions and Gender Relations” has intensified especially from the mid-1990s in Europe – more recently in Italy – spreading beyond the borders of the sociology of religion and gender studies. Specifically, attention has been focussed on three critical points that we shall address:

First, the study of transformations of religious expression within traditional religions and, at the same time, the analysis of contemporary forms of spirituality demonstrate a “feminine specificity” which raises various questions and highlights the necessity to dedicate more attention to the different religious experiences of men and women and to re-interpret critically the basic analytical categories of the sociology of religion;

Secondly, comparison with non-Christian traditions reveals the importance of a critical reading of women’s role in various forms of religion and spirituality;

Finally, the development of a gender lens in religion allows analysis of the variegated constructions of the male and the female in different religious traditions.

The call is designed to offer a platform to scholars to present their research on the topic and exchange their ideas on research findings at an international level. The topics are centred on the following themes:

• The (often ambivalent) role of women in the administration of the sacred
• Female religious agency
• The relationship between body and (public and private) space, not forgetting the dimensions
of chastity and sexuality
• Data, sources and analytical tools necessary for the study of the complex relationship
between feminism and women in religions
• The ever-changing role of women in a social context of hybridization processes and
recognition of various religious traditions
• Female engagement in religious (official/unofficial) institutions

Designed as a space of dialogue and encounter, the conference promotes original models of interpretation based on different contexts and experiences. It strongly welcomes contributions based on empirical researches (both single cases studies or larger analyses), envisaging an interdisciplinary perspective and employing ethnographic and comparative methodologies.

The conference will host the annual board meeting of the International Association for the study of Religion and Gender (IARG) – everybody’s welcome to join.

Keynote speaker: Kristin Aune
Deadline for abstracts (350 words) – 15 September 2016. To: chiara.maritato@unito.it
Decisions will be notified: 30 September 2016
Scientific Committee: Contemporary Religions and Faiths in Transition (CRAFT): Enrico Comba, Stefania Palmisano, Luca Ozzano, Roberta Ricucci, Roberto Scalon
Organizing Committee: Mariachiara Giorda, Alberta Giorgi, Alessandro Gusman, Chiara Maritato, Stefania Palmisano.

Auditors /Participants at the IARG meeting: 20€
PhD students: 30€
Postdocs and Temporary Research Staff: 35€
Full Professors: 50€

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