“Diversity and Equality: Texts, Traditions, and Trends” — AAR-EIR 2017
Dear Colleagues:
Greetings from the Eastern International Region of the American Academy of Religion.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Diversity and Equality: Texts, Traditions, and Trends.” It will be held at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario April 28-29, 2017. If you would like to submit a paper or panel proposal, the deadline for submissions is February 15. For more information and the detailed call for papers, please visit our website at www.eiraar.net. We encourage submission on the theme but are interested in all of the work being done in the region. If you have questions you can contact the 2017 team at eiraar17@uwaterloo.ca or you can write to me directly at vehret@mercyhurst.edu. The EIR provides a place to experiment with new ideas and engage scholars at a variety of levels, from advanced undergraduates to senior scholars.
At the end of this email is a copy of the conference poster. We encourage you to post it and to pass it along to anyone else you think might be interested.
We look forward to seeing you in April.
-Verna Ehret
EIR Regional Coordinator