Table of Contents — Religious Studies and Theology Issue 36.1 (2017)
Table of Contents — Religious Studies and Theology Issue 36.1 (2017)

Editorial Preface
Foreword: Mediations of Indigenous Religions
Catherine Caufield
Mediating Indigenous Religions: By Way of Introduction
Gregory D. Alles, Bjørn Ola Tafjord
Through Indigenous Eyes: A Comparison of Two Tohono O’odham Photographic Collections Documenting Pilgrimages to Magdalena
Seth Schermerhorn, Lillia McEnaney
An Interview with a Goddess: Possession Rites as Regulators of Justice Among the Pnar of Northeastern India
Margaret Lyngdoh
Constituting De-Colonializing Horizons: Indigenous Theology, Indigenous Spirituality, and Christianity
Minna Opas
Book Reviews
Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs, by Andrew Ralls Woodward. Hamilton Books, 2014. 106 pp., no illustrations. Pb. $12. ISBN: 0761864083
Jonathan Strand
The Song of Songs and the Fashioning of Identity in Early Latin Christianity, by Karl Shuve. Oxford University Press, 2016. xix + 235 pp.; index. No illustrations. Hb., $136. ISBN: 0198766440
David Lyle Jeffrey
Selfless Love and Human Flourishing in Paul Tillich and Iris Murdoch, by Julia T. Meszaros. Oxford University Press, 2016. 227 pp. Kindle, $114.69. ISBN 978-0-19-876586-8.
David Fekete
The Qur’an and Its Readers Worldwide: Contemporary Commentaries and Translations, edited by Suha Taji-Farouki. Volume 14. Qur’anic Studies Series, edited by Omar Alí-de-Unzaga. Oxford University Press and The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2015. xviii + 63
Kamran Bashir
Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking About Metaphysics, Theism, and Antiblack Racism, by Dwayne A. Tunstall. Fordham University Press, 2013. 176 pp. Hb., $16.99. ISBN: 9780823251605
Joshua Culling