Untold Experiences of Vulnerable Refugees — Centre on Global Migration, University of Gothenburg

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Untold Experiences of Vulnerable Refugees
Call for papers
September 28-29, 2017
at Centre on Global Migration, University of Gothenburg

Forced migration is not a new phenomenon. Today we are witness to a situation where forced migration puts many people in terrible and life threatening conditions, with severe consequences for several generations. Proportionally a big number of refugees from the Middle East have an ethno-religious minority background, such as Assyrians (including the different branches), Armenians, Mandaeans, and Yazidis.

This workshop aims to bring researchers, practitioners, community stakeholders and policy makers together in order to
• develop an interdisciplinary discussion and knowledge exchange about the ‘untold’, mainly ignored experiences of minority refugee populations with departure from the case of Assyrian, Armenian, Yazidi and Mandaean refugees;
• form a highly needed international network among researchers working on these and similar topics;
• establish dialogue channels between the scientific community, practitioners, community organizations and policy makers.

The organizers invite researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to present their latest studies and partake in discussions on these or similar themes, delaminated to vulnerable refugee populations:

• Traumatic experiences, memory, and uprootedness
• Dealing with displacement, pre- and post-migration
• Fear of extinction
• Resilience and coping mechanisms
• Processes of reconciliation and liberation from past experiences and trauma
• The idea of “return to home”

Those interested are asked to send their abstract of about 500 words to Dr. Önver Cetrez at onver.cetrez@teol.uu.se no later than August 1, 2017. Attached is the longer cfp description (click to download PDF).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Önver Cetrez, Associate Professor, Uppsala University
Dr. Naures Atto, University of Cambridge
Soner O. Barthoma, Free University of Berlin

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