Your participation requested – National Study on Contract Academic Staff (CAS)

 In All, News | Nouvelles

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) is undertaking the first ever national study on the experiences of Contract Academic Staff (CAS).
The research is led by Dr. Karen Foster, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Dalhousie University.
This research will collect much needed data on the experiences of this growing and precarious academic workforce and help inform policy to improve working conditions and job security .

The survey closes on December 15, 2017.

We are hoping you can forward an email to members to encourage as many CAS as possible to participate in this critical research.

Additional information on the study, data protection, confidentiality and risks of participation is accessible via a linked Informed Consent document in the survey’s
introduction. The survey can be accessed at

If you have any questions, please contact Pam Foster, CAUT Director of Research and Political Action, . Thank you.

Email to Association Members:
Are you teaching on contract? Please participate in a national survey on Contract Academic Staff

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) is undertaking the first ever
national study on the experiences of contract academic staff. If you taught in the 2016-
2017 academic year in a non-permanent position, please fill out the survey by December 15, 2017.

The survey will gather data on a range of objective qualities of contract positions, such as
wages, hours of work, office space, and teaching loads, as well as on the experiences of a
contract academic.

The survey consists of approximately 60 questions—some multiple-choice and some openended—
that should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed at

Additional information on the study, data protection, confidentiality, and risks of participation is
accessible via a linked Informed Consent document in the survey’s introduction.

If you have any questions, please contact Pam Foster, CAUT Director of Research and Political Action,
Courriel aux membres de l’Association :
Êtes-vous une professeure ou un professeur engagé sur la base d’un contrat temporaire?

L’Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université (ACPPU) réalise un tout premier sondage national sur
l’expérience de travail du personnel académique contractuel (PAC). Si vous avez eu un contrat d’enseignement durant l’année scolaire 2016-2017 et
votre poste n’est pas permanent, veuillez remplir le sondage en ligne d’ici le 15 decembre 2017.

Le sondage permettra de recueillir des données sur les salaires, les heures de travail, l’espace de bureau alloué, les charges d’enseignement et autres
qualités objectives des postes à contrat, ainsi que sur votre expérience à titre de membre du personnel académique contractuel.

Le questionnaire est composé de quelque 60 questions— certaines à choix multiples, d’autres, ouvertes.
Il vous faudra une trentaine de minutes pour y répondre. Il est accessible à

Le Formulaire de consentement contient tous les renseignements importants sur l’objet du sondage, la protection des données, la confidentialité et
les risques d’y participer. Un lien pour y accéder figure dans l’introduction du sondage.

Veuillez adresser vos questions, s’il y a lieu, à Pam Foster, Directrice (Recherche et Action Politique),

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