2019-2020 CSRS Newsletter (Centre for Studies in Religion & Society)

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Dear friends of the CSRS,

Attached you’ll find our 2019-2020 Newsletter (Click to download as PDF). In it you’ll see interviews with fellows, articles by fellows, special features on some of our events, and a detailed account of our upcoming line-up of lectures and other activities.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me directly, or with Noriko Prezau, our administrative assistant, at csrs@uvic.ca.

Many thanks to our new Program Coordinator, Rachel Brown, our Research Associate, Scott Dolff, and our designer Sarah Grindlay, for their fine work on this newsletter. If this PDF doesn’t open properly on your computer, please visit: https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/csrs/index.php

Please circulate this within your networks.

All the best,


Paul Bramadat, PhD

Professor | Director
Centre for Studies in Religion & Society | University of Victoria
250-721-6324 | bramadat@uvic.ca | www.csrs.uvic.ca

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