“An Ethics of Love and Justice: Islamic Feminist Reflections” by Sa’diyya Shaikh – an online presentation hosted by CSRS
Centre for Studies in Religion and Society Distinguished Lecture in Islam

An Ethics of Love and Justice: Islamic Feminist Reflections
Sa’diyya Shaikh
Tuesday, March 21
5:00-6:30 p.m.
HHB 105 and online
Join via Zoom at uvic.ca/csrs/events
The global challenges of our time call for the deepening of our col- lective moral imagination and ethical creativity. I offer an analysis of the nature and roots of social injustice through the lens of Islamic feminist ethics. Islamic feminism emerges from a robust dialogue between core values of the Muslim past with those of the present, to contribute dynamic and egalitarian approaches in embodying reli- gious tradition. Drawing on Muslim resources, I render visible the in- timate relationship between politics and spirituality and proposes an Islamic feminist ethics that fundamentally integrates love and justice.
Sa’diyya Shaikh is Professor in the Study of Religions at the University of Cape Town. She specialises in the study of Islam, gender ethics, and feminist theory, with a special interest in Sufism.