Table of Contents – Implicit Religion, Issue 20.3 (2017)

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Implicit Religion

Issue 20.3 (2017) table of contents

Special Issue
Artificial Intelligence and Religion

Guest Editor
Beth Singler

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Religion For the Religious Studies Scholar
Beth Singler

Dao of the Go: Contextualizing “Spirituality,” “Intelligence,” and the Human Self
Ting Guo

Aura 2.0: The Technoscientific Return of Art’s Religious Value
Michael Morelli

The Talos Principle: Philosophical and Religious Anthropology
Jonathan Tuckett

Roko’s Basilisk or Pascal’s? Thinking of Singularity Thought Experiments as Implicit Religion
Beth Singler

Robo-Theisms and Robot Theists: How do Robots Challenge and Reveal Notions of God?
Scott Midson

Jack Laughlin
University of Sudbury, Canada
David G. Robertson
Open University / Religious Studies Project, UK

Available online to subscribers:

ISSN 1463-9955 (print)
ISSN 1743-1697 (online)

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