Invitation to participate in project – Canadian Muslims Online

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Dear Colleagues,

We are engaged in an academic (SSHRC funded) research project entitled “New Muslim Public Spheres in the Digital Age: Identity, Community, Diversity and Authority in Canada”

Part of the project is an Online Survey that seeks to find out how Muslims living in Canada use the Internet and digital technologies and what is their impact on their lives.

We are pleased to announce that our Online Survey on Canadian Muslims Online is now live (French and English).

We seek to understand whether, or not, the Internet and the new digital landscapes are transforming Muslims’ sense of identity, of community, of religious authority and of diversity (intra- and interreligious). We are interested in hearing from Muslims, especially young adults (whether religious or not) who wish to discuss the place of the Internet and digital technologies in their lives.

The information we collect will be analyzed and presented to a range of outlets (e.g. publications, academics, organizations/groups for, and working with, Muslims, policy makers, and other interested parties, etc.).

Participants do not have to answer all survey questions to take part in the survey. All the information collected will be kept confidential. All identifiable information will be removed or changed in the research findings. The survey is taken anonymously.

The study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee (CIÉR) of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Any ethical concerns about the study may be directed to the CIÉR, Service de la recherche et de la création; Université du Québec à Montréal; C.P. 8888, succursale Centre-Ville; Montréal, QC H3C 3P8; (514) 987-3000, ext. 7753;
(It may be that your university requires separate ethics approval for you to be able to help us recruit in this way. If so, please let us know).

The Online Survey can be accessed from the project website’s Homepage, where further information can also be found: (English version) or (French version)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly (

If you know of Muslims, young adults (under 40) (and spiritual leaders), who might be interested in this survey, please forward the URL to them or to anyone who might forward it on to potential participants.

We are also attaching two Power Point slides (English and French) about the project that could be integrated into your class PowerPoints. You may download them here.

This is an opportunity to contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the impact of the Internet on the lives of Muslims living in Canada.

Thank you

Roxanne Marcotte, Université du Québec à Montréal

A. Brenda Anderson – University of Regina, Luther College
Jennifer Selby – Memorial University of Newfoundland
Rubina Ramji – Cape Breton University

Franz Volder Greifenhagen – University of Regina, Luther College
Rachad Antonius – Université du Québec à Montréal

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