Call for Papers — Contemporary Justice Review

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Call for Papers — Contemporary Justice Review

The editors of Contemporary Justice Review are proud to announce a call for papers on “The Religious and Philosophical Foundations of Justice: Personal Narratives.”

We are looking for papers where scholars and activists explore the religious and/or philosophical foundations of their own personal view of justice, explicating in detail how the particular religious or philosophical “belief system” they grew up with or adopted has influenced their thinking about what is just. We likewise encourage all writers to explore how their developed view of justice has influenced and continues to influence the way they live their daily lives.

Prospective writers might trace the origin of their views on justice to the tenets of not only major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism but also “folk religions” such as paganism, shaminism, animism, and the like. We might add offshoots and hybrids such as Sikhism, atheistic existentialism, Christian atheism, and humanistic Judaism.

And, if a particular person of conviction has influenced the writer’s thinking on justice, the writer can make a connection between that person’s life and life’s work and the writer’s own views on just thinking and practice. A prospective writer could focus on, for example, the view of anarchy (in music as well as life) by the late great contemporary composer John Cage or the life and work of luminaries such as Jean Paul Sartre, Saint John of the Cross, Peter Kropotkin, and Abhishiktananda.

We ask that the essay run no longer than 35 double-spaced typed pages with references in APA format. However, because of the narrative quality of the work, it is not necessary to “document” one’s life with extensive referencing at all.

Interested scholars and activists should send a title and abstract (fewer than 300 words) of the article to CJR Editor-in-Chief Dan Okada no later than October 15, 2011. Those whose topics have been accepted will be notified by November 1, 2011. The completed essay must be sent to Dan Okada by August 15, 2012 for publication in a forthcoming special issue of CJR.

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