CSSR Member Dr. Alison Marshall publishes new book, The Way of the Bachelor

 In Members' Corner, Uncategorized

The CSSR would like to congratulate a member of our Executive, Dr. Alison Marshall, on her recent book The Way of the Bachelor.

Dr. Marshall received the 8,000 ASPP grant for the publication from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. A paperback version is being released January 2012. More book details may be found here: http://www.ubcpress.ubc.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=299173207

She was recently interviewed on Radio Canada International (The Way of the Bachelor): http://www.rcinet.ca/english/column/the-link—culture-corner/15-04_2011-05-02-culture-corner-the-way-of-the-bachelor-by-alison-marshall/.

Dr. Marshall is now working on a new book (under contract with UBC press) that she hopes to finish by the end of next year: Confucianism and the Making of Chinese Canadian Identity.

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