Call for Papers: Canadian Arab Institute

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Dear CSSR/SCÉR members,

The Canadian Arab Institute has extended the deadline for submissions of proposals to April 28th 2012. We would love to see CSSR members represented at the policy forum, and encourage you to submit your proposals. Please see below and attached for details, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) will be hosting its Inaugural Policy Forum themed ‘Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities for Canadian Arabs’ in Toronto on June 2, 2012 where individuals who submit successful proposals will be invited to present for 15-20 minutes. Papers may also be developed into policy briefs and/or published on a forthcoming CAI website.

If you are interested, please see attached for submission guidelines. Abstracts may be no longer than 500 words.

We are confident that some of you have great ideas to submit to this initiative.

More details here

Thank you,
Amanda Sadowski
Research Assistant
Canadian Arab Institute (CAI)

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